Friday, July 30, 2010


This is way overdue. Yes, no excuse of everyday life's passing is good enough. I begin to wonder why these days, it is so difficult to trust kindness and honesty and yet so easy to feel or see the evil side of people. Is the reality distorting me?

I am always an idealist. I want to see the good side of people but I grew tired of it after awhile. Tired to be proven otherwise, when others are so disappointing. Yes, I have some encounters lately that betrayed my trust towards people. Well, it only concerns the materials and a little monetary loss, hence I can be forgiving.

I shall reflect upon myself again and keep reminding myself not to fall prey, as there are always people out there waiting to profit from our carelessness and kindness. It is stressful to live in today’s world, sometimes. People are always ready to laugh at others, to take from others without consent. It’s disappointing.

That brought me to ponder upon what I have read recently regarding the Japanese culture. There is always a conflict in understanding the way of life in the east and the west. The westerners are always rationally driven and in Japanese culture or cultures which have influences of Confucianism, people tend to be more dependent on other people’s kindness. We expect other to reciprocate kindness here. But of course, in some instances the universal trait of human, which is greed, still prevails after all.