Thursday, September 30, 2010

Die a Natural Death?

Recently, Flamboyant Maestro visited the little island down south. We met on a fateful day, a night before the F1 proper begins. He isn't a fan, judging from his conversation topics, hence his presence has nothing to do with F1. Nonetheless, F1 certainly had created a worrying moveabout plan.

He uttered the words, "what happened to your blog? It has died a natural death!" Okay, it didn't quite hit me to my very core but I began to feel obligated to pen something down before September ends... I would like to thank him, nonetheless :)

I am way below my target quota. Yes, it is shameful. I feel responsible for this. At least, from now on, I will try to make an attempt whenever there is a writing bug itching me and Internet connection. Yes, both play very critical role. And also when there is nothing else I have to do, although there seem to be a lot lately. I feel the strain but I am slowly picking up.

I hope for the next few months, I will try to remember Flamboyant Maestro's warning when it gets too quiet sometimes... Let's this be my motivation, or should I say, threat but a nice one...