Friday, March 9, 2007

Journey-ing Towards Who We Are...

Lately, I notice that a very close friend and including myself feeling rather attached to the self-identity notion. Growing up together for many years now, we saw our various stages of transformation, sometimes, gradual but at times could be drastic, whether physically or ideologically. But we're assured that our core values remained strongly at heart.

We laughed about it, but the most important realisation is that, we've reached the age when self-identity begin to matter. We view ourselves more as unique individuals now. Who are we in today's rather universal and globalised world.

And that journey starts with knowing who we are, in thought and conscience, in religion, in family, in friends and most importantly, in roots. What is the meaning behind wearing our style and skin colour? What are some of the cultural traits and values which we've long forgotten simply because we're too absorbed into the Western way of thinking sometimes(thanks to the power of their media )? What is the significance of the cultural celebrations, rituals and ceremonies which we've inherited by default? And most of all, why am I in the position of worrying this and having this curiosity?

I conclude that, we're ever evolving creatures and the world around us, is even evolving faster than before. To have a meaningful life, we must have the pride and confidence of being who we are, where we stand as an individual in this process. Whether we're Westernised or Asianised or both blended harmoniously. And it's natural that some of us express it explicitly and some, implicitly.

Blending the complexities existing in our lives today is not easy, but we're thankful that we're certainly quite comfortable wearing ourselves now. Let the journey continues and gradually, we'll be more defined of who we are.It's a journey,remember and the destination is very enlightening, I'm sure towards self-understanding...