Thursday, July 5, 2007

I'm at the Prime of Life!

Being at this age is an ultimate achievement concerning my comfort level of self-acceptance. I was once a person who never felt good enough in whatever I do, but now, all I can think of is, I'm doing the things I know best, getting recognition out of them and what's more, satisfying rewards! I never felt so good at work and with my social life until now. It is as if I have gained so much of centred-ness and balance that everything is so rhythmatically ochestra-ed to form the most perfect tune.

This flow of good fortunes, I would say, is mostly attributed to the ability of having good control over life (by knowing your passion and having a clear picture of what you want in life), having the opportunity to pursue what I am passionate about and freedom to lead a life outside of work stress. I hardly feel like working as I am travelling and experiencing different environment all the time!

I really wish that people around me will soon reach this state of life as I am experiencing now. I know a few who has reached this state way before me and I would like to learn about sustainance to prolong this level of happiness and self-loving. I think it is very important but it does not come easy...