Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Letter Written Then

To Whom It May Concern,

Attn : Miss/Mdm Nimala, if I remember correctly

Thank you for returning my queries on the 10th May 2005 (Tuesday) when I called on the 9th May 2005 (Monday). Your prompt reply (phone call) impresses me. However, I wasn't in the right frame of mind to forward my real queries then. Therefore, based on my call on the 10th, a lady suggested that I write to this e-mail address.

Here are some of my questions to you;

1) What seat will I be allocated if I purchase my ticket now?

2) Who are the target audiences of The Global Leadership
Forum 2005?

3) What happen if the current price I pay ( RM 4250) will be
brought lower due to unexpected lower response? Will I
be compensated?

4) If "Corporate Rates" exist in your pricing scheme, for
example you quoted 5 tickets for RM 17,000, why isn't
there a student discount so that, even some students who are genuinely interested can have a chance to participate? Isn't F3 Strategies' part of moving forward is to "maintain these extensive networking with university, research institutes, think-tanks and renowned Asia and Europe, and with regional and international organizations in all parts of the world. " ( Source : and one of your goals states "The think tank will strengthen and help to mobilize the indigenous research capacity of Malaysia and other developing countries, especially directed at achieving greater social and economic equity, better management of the environment and natural resources, and more equitable access to information" ( Source :

5) What justified the pricing of RM 4250 / RM 4750?

6) and lastly, what is the response rate so far?

Thank you very much for taking the time to consider my questions. I hope you and your party understand that RM 4250 / 4750 is not a friendly sum to students but it may also be "considered cheap" or "reasonable" to some parties (if they are your target audiences only). However, to be fair to your party, as a non-profit organisation, I should have faith in your judgements and discretions. But also, please do consider my above questions again, as I strongly believe that, to implement your organisation's goal of making information and knowledge accessible equally to all, some of the 3000 seats should be made "accessible" to students also.

Yours sincerely,

Stephanie Lim