Real estate is definitely my cup of tea. Not only it looks great on anyone's investment portfolio, but it's also a symbol that you're bold enough for a long-term commitment. I am not a savvy investment person, but I always knew that real estate is the way to go for me, as I was told that I have a conservative long-term investor profile. I have not heard of a person who has gone below the poverty line by owning properties, although of course severe economic recession, bad decision and over-commitment, might guarantee that.
We're now on our way to our third and it feels great as we're actually going to make it our home. Our first in fact. Our previous ones were done up to be tenanted, but this one feels different. Every decision is so critical towards making a home that is our dream, functional and of course, cosy and comfortable. We plan to furnish it with IKEA mostly. Well, it's simply because of space constraints and IKEA is always clever in tackling this.
I will wait for the very day to come, when I can sit back and relax in my sanctuary with all my favourite furnitures, my Ektorp left-hand chaise longue, a book from my Billy bookcase and a coffee or tea in my favourite Swiss mug on my gorgeous Hemnes bedside table. And now, I can't wait...