I must apologise for my previous few entries which I must admit, are merely to fulfill my personal quota of three entries per month. Life is such where sometimes, we really need to prioritise. As my new home-in-making (at the point of writing) is taking a toll in my life, I seek every opportunity of time to think of the design, to monitor the renovation work and shop for a dream interior. Nevertheless, the joy of reading still manage to be filled with my current (at the point of writing) read, The God Delusion.
It was an accidental purchase, purely motivated by the price tag of just RM9.90 at MPH, 1Utama. After reading a few pages, I would have paid ten times more the price as I was introduced to a brand new thinking (not so, for the Atheist) which I never thought was possible.
In between my read and my so-called home-making activities, I got a trip to London. As usual, my eyes would be wary of any free copies of TimeOut or Where Magazines at the concierge. I must grab hold of one if I see any. To my great surprise, Where London was available. I couldn't believe my eyes that Darwin : Big Idea Big Exhibition was still going on at the Natural History Museum London.
I quickly made a vow to pay this exhibition a visit, not so much because of I admire Charles Darwin (which I do) but because of the connection with what I was reading. Does a believer in god and a believer in science, have to choose either or?
The entrance of the museum was packed, just like when the London Fashion Week was held some time back. Perhaps the crowd was due to the school break after the Easter Holiday. Like a curious open-minded soul, I was eager to find some answers to that question...