My first introduction to Michael Jackson was on my mum's little red television in our room while we were staying at Granny's in Petaling Jaya. I was about four years old. The music video was the song "Beat It". I couldn't comprehend the significance of MJ but his music really made an impression at that time of my very tender age, so has his videos like Thriller, Bad and subsequently in my teens, Black or White etc..
I never really idolised MJ nor did I ever bought his records, unlike Bro, who watched MJ History Tour in KL while I was sitting for my PMR examinations. I was more into the Canto Pop and of course, The Spice Girls. My lack of MJ admiration at that time was probably because, I was born in the 80's and pop culture then was really colourful with the likes of Boy George (my first favourite because of my cousin), Cyndi Lauper (Bro's favourite), Anita Mui (my first idol), Madonna and I was too young to actually buy an album. Also, I was born after the era of Jackson 5, which I think my peers too had no recollection of them whatsoever.
By the time I could really afford to buy any records that I wanted, I was in my teens, and my Faye Wong collection just grew, followed by The Spice Girls but beforethat, was New Kids on the Block (my first ever album, a cassette).
I do hear MJ music and that was quite hard to ignore while growing up in the 80's and 90's. I remember whenever he appears on tv, we would just freeze and watch him. He had such a strong command of audience attention, and that was his real talent. No one dare to look elsewhere whenever he's on stage. I remember singing to one of his great songs, "Heal The World" in a choir performance for our school's award ceremony. I love those lyrics and I was quite shocked to learn it was actually from MJ. I only knew him as a great performer, never how a real fan would know him.
The news of his death indeed shocked me. Waking up to such a news was never a pleasant encounter. When the news finally penetrated the world's consciousness, I was already in the mourning mode. The tributes on the media just accelerated and perhaps, deepen the mood for bereavement.
Magazines began to put him on their cover, Internet search escalated, headline news was his death on every news channel and news channel these days includes E! Entertainment. I began to feel the need to know MJ a little more. I read about him on Wiki, I watched his videos on YouTube, I watched the Jackson 5 biopic on True Movies channel and I bought Time Special Commemorative Edition and a book as a tribute to him.
He was indeed the greatest act in the history of pop culture, arguably. He was universal and he was a talented prodigy. Based on the materials that I have gone through, MJ was almost pioneer in everything that he do if not, uniquely MJ and had created or masterminded many signatures that artistes today could not dare claim it was theirs. Artistes today has lack so much elegance that was so natural to MJ in his performances and his music. I can only count on Madonna, as she's really in quite a different league also.
Michael Jackson's armband, scream, gentle voice, elegance, Robot moves, the deliberate mispronounced words, the glove, the Moonwalk, the length of his finely cropped pants, militia jacket, his I love yous and I love you mores will forever be remembered... Michael Jackson is truly the King of Pop!