I am now in New York City again. As I was browsing through the windows of the shops on Fifth just now, I was actually making my way to the Apple Retail Store. Early in the morning, you will be glad to see the store as it is open 24hours a day. It never sleeps like the city itself.
As you already know, Steve Jobs had gone, at the moment so timely with the launch of iPhone 4S. I speculated that because of Steve's death, they held back the launch of iPhone 5 which was greatly anticipated and almost had become a reality to many. Well, I was saddened by the news of both, the passing of my favorite technology/business figure, and the fact that I have to wait longer to hold another evolutionary or revolutionary (I hope) device.
As I was watching the many tributes to Steve Jobs on the news channels, I could not help but reflect on his greatest gifts to the world. Was he a great technologist? Was he the greatest marketer?
I am a Mac user myself since early 2004, and I instantly fell in love with my iBook G3 then, when I first got it. It is not only nice to look at and touch with your fingers, it was absolutely reliable and almost idiot-proof. I did not feel intimidated at all but somehow pride myself to be somewhat different from the masses. In my mind, the illumination of the Apple logo whenever my iBook starts up, says it all. The best advertisement ever, I still opine.
Just outside of Apple Retail Store in NYC, the famous glass cube is all covered in white now. As I entered the store, I descended through the spiral stairways and around me, it was covered in white. I felt as if I was going to a funeral. I could not help but felt a little sombre. I have to see the iPhone 4S, I told myself.. but it was no where in sight or on display.
I took another look outside of the store again and tried to read the little messages that Steve Jobs' fans left him. A lot of apples and candles offered to him with his signature quotes on them. I felt that, Mr Jobs' legacy will always be with us, very often when we use his signature products. Steve Jobs is never really gone, it's just a good night and tomorrow, who knows will change the world again.
p/s : I credit Mr Jobs for caring the right-brainers and put a meaning to what the world has arrived into, the conceptual age..
Also, remember the moments unboxing your newly purchased Apple products? Only Steve would had thought, it was worth it!