Monday, January 8, 2007

Watching The NoteBook in Frankfurt

A beautiful love story, is always simple, heart-wrenching and heart-warming at the same time. I believe such words have often been used to describe any love story. But the one I just knew, really re-affirms that conviction. The Notebook, a truly down-to-earth story about the love of a man. To him success does not mean having lots of money but to love a woman with all his heart. These words, “I’m just a common man, having common thoughts and living a common life. What I succeeded gloriously is to love a woman with all my heart” will forever remain as the most beautiful words thought by a man and will always be the most beautiful tune to a woman.

I sincerely hope that the power of love can heal and make this temporary world a wonderful place of giving. As love, I realise is not about yourself at all, true love is always about the other person, whom we love, we care and we want great things for that person. Of course, when we have the person, we can only count our blessing, love the person, care and hopefully this love radiates. For me, at this stage of life, I’ve met a wonderful man for almost 6 years now. He never fails to assure me with those words and actions. I feel really lucky to have him for this lifetime and I hope, all the women in this world will find their very own Noah soon.

P/s : I would like to thank this very special friend for introducing The Notebook to me. Thank you for such a priceless inspiration, my friend!